Caregivers Need Support Groups of their Own

A study by the American Psychological Association found that caregivers who looked after critically and chronically ill family members were more likely to report higher levels of stress, poor health and are more likely to take part in unhealthy behaviors to alleviate their stress than the rest of the public.

However, the report also foundthat caregivers who have outside support — like Here to Serve — are less likely to succumb to the pressure of their situation.

“The caregiver group seems to be much, much better when they are plugged into some sort of a support system,” Katherine Nordal, who specializes in the treatment of stress disorders, told Voice of America. “They demonstrate less isolation, less loneliness, better coping strategies, less depression, less irritability and less risk of chronic disease when they are plugged into those family and friends and other sorts of community-based support systems.”